Search Results | linguistic turn

Your search for "linguistic turn" returned 69 results

Boston, New York, Texas: The Origins of These and Other Great American Accents

What does Boston have against the letter R? Why do Minnesotans sometimes drag out the 'O' sound? And what about the Noo Yawk accent?

How to Volunteer to Teach English

Ever wonder how to volunteer to teach English? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn how to volunteer to teach English.

What's the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon?

Have you ever met someone with a unique first name, and then all of a sudden you hear the name everywhere you turn? That's the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon at work. How did it get that handle?

Pikachu Name Change Infuriates Hong Kong Pokemon Fans

Why is the Pokemon Mandarin and Cantonese name change controversial? Learn more about the Pikachu name change in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

'Y'all' Isn't Just for Southerners Anymore

Y'all, the contraction of the words "you" and "all," is making its move out of the American South to places as far afield as Australia.

How Well Do You Know "My Fair Lady?"

A Cockney woman, Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn), finds her way up the Victorian social ladder when Professor Higgins (Rex Harrison) teaches her to speak proper English on a bet.

Insights on Alzheimer's From the Long-running Nun Study

HowStuffWorks looks at the long-running study on nuns and Alzheimer's disease and the various lessons learned over the decades.

Expert Stuff: Google's Mike Cohen

Google's Mike Cohen is working on integrating speech recognition with Google products. See an interview with Google's Mike Cohen to learn more.

Were the Clovis the first Americans?

The Clovis, ancient people who made the sophisticated Clovis projectile discovered at Clovis Indian sites, are a mystery. Read about the mysterious Clovis.

It's a Small World, and It's Wiping Out Languages

Thousands of languages are threatened with extinction. Learn more about vanishing languages at HowStuffWorks.

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